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What Thinking Australians Are Thinking

What Thinking Australians Are Thinking

What thinking Australians are thinking… Bill Shorten complains that the revival of the Australian Building and Construction Commission creates a different set of rules for construction workers to everyone else. Why is he surprised? The CFMEU has always worked to...

Labor Or Labor Lite? You Decide

Kelly O’Dwyer The Assistant Treasurer, was asked on Q&A last night about the latest incarnation of Malcolm Turnbull and whether voters were being asked to vote for the 2009 “Labor lite” Malcolm Turnbull who was big on the boilerplate issues of...
A Dark And Diabolical Place

A Dark And Diabolical Place

Australia is in a dark, diabolical place. For some while I and I’m sure many others have been wrestling with this dilemma of who to vote for. Back in my on air days at 2GB, during Malcolm Turnbull’s first go round as opposition leader I referred to the Liberals...