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Random Notes - Idle Thoughts

Random Note — A Tide in the Affairs of Men

November 5 and the imperative that Donald Trump be elected is one of those rare and consequential moments and tipping points in history. A sliding door moment where the wrong decision will be a disaster, not just for America but the entire world. Shakespeare wrote...

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Random Note —Misinformation 

If we consider the concepts of misinformation and disinformation in the context of an ordinary, traditional debate, both the for and against sides could, would and do, accuse the other of “misinformation”, distorting the facts or bias by ommission when all they’re...

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Misinformation – Daily Wire and Michael Shellenberger

If you want to get a better understanding about this global push, (in Australia, Europe, the UK and America) to outlaw or ban what they refer to misinformation, this précis overview/interview with Michael Shellenberger on The Daily Wire is the perfect primer. Only...

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Random Note — Phonics

Random Note — Phonics

I doubt there’s a sentient Australian whoever understood why phonics, a system that has always demonstrably worked, was replaced by something that doesn’t, or was always of dubious virtue at best.

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Random Note — A Sunday morning Teal/Green analysis

Random Note — A Sunday morning Teal/Green analysis

I predict that because of their image problems, the Greens will eventually be swallowed and subsumed by the more marketable, less aggressive, more softer gentler, more mainstream palatable and friendly female Teals but it’ll be the same wolf in sheep’s clothing. Maybe that’s been the plan all along. A sort of political reverse takeover. Call it a Greens 2.0

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Random Note —- Teals 

This is something I’ve been mulling for the last several weeks and was prompted to comment on the back of this story in overnight. I notice in a YouTube ad for the Pittwater by election one of the candidates, Jacqui Scruby, in an endeavour to burnish her...

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Random Note — The Poltical Climate

The POLITICAL climate Climate Change has never been about changing the climate as such. It’s been about a hard to disprove, vague and nebulous metaphor, embodied in a campaign with the explicit goal of changing the political climate. It been all about power and...

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