Why does the ABC persist with this ditzy, dizzy, vacuous, brainless and offensive 20 something exotic other? The fact that it had to be brought to Abdel Magied’s attention, demonstrates just how lacking in insight and judgement she is. AND in a week where we are talking about Australian values, she demonstrates that she has no idea about Australian values, traditions or mores. Apart from that her exotic shtick is not even original. That’s Jenny Key on the left. Yassmin Abdel-Magied on the right
Comments flooded in from followers disgusted by Abdel-Magied’s disrespect for Anzac Day:
“Absolutely disrespectful. This day isn’t for those people it’s for the brave service men and woman who have served/serving our great country so we can try and live a normal, safe life,” wrote Wilson Sam.
“Your previous post has completely discredited you. I’m ashamed that you are Australian because you clearly don’t share Australian values. Not only have you disrespected those who gave their lives so you can enjoy Australian freedoms and speak your mind, you have very clearly voiced your real agenda here,” wrote Libby Colubski. ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied forced to delete Anzac Day post asking Australians to think about Manus Island and Palestine