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Random Note — Values

If there’s any good to come of Thorburn-Gate it is that it exposes once and for all just how disgustingly phony and misguided these human rights commissioners are. Human rights commissions, which have been around since the 1970’s are another  of those institutions...

Random Note — Diversity

Thinking more about the comments by the wannabe Pittwater MP Natasha McClaren Jones and others, both in the political and corporate orbit about diversity and what a “wonderfully diverse community” Pittwater is, it occurs to me that this is the language of the...

Jacinda Adern calls for global censorship

Gee, I’m old enough to recall like it was only earlier this week (because it was) that the left and their attack dogs of the media industrial complex, we’re spraying around words like fascist, authoritarian, totalitarian etc as they slandered, smeared, besmirched and...