If China wants to be part of the fellowship of man, a global player and play a role in international events, it starts with the basics, like for example, attention and adherence to basic standards in public health, hygiene, food preparation, and food consumption.
I mean, is eating bats a thing or is that just social media conspiracy? As for expectoration in the streets. Ugh.
What they’re experiencing now is the international humiliation, opprobrium and censure that happens when a country with a patina of modernity and high tech advancement goes rogue and feel they are too big to be expected to obey the rules in an interconnected, global world with cheap airfares. In short, get your own house in order before pushing, shoving and bullying and buying your way around the world .
This is the schizophrenia of China I noticed back in October and November.
On the one hand in the big cities like Shanghai it’s very modern and technologically advanced on a scale we can’t begin to imagine with its high speed trains and 5G technology and whiz-giggery but out in the boonies and off the grid, which you see from the high speed trains strangely enough, obviously not much has changed since 1949.
Whether it’s public health, human rights, trade jiggery pokery, island creation out of thin air in the South China Sea, debt trap diplomacy of smaller nations as part of their belt and road inititiave or intellectual property theft, China has some very real and very serious public relations work to do.