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The cheap trick of the sporting field exercise used by the ABC to illustrate the myth of white privilege is not new and a version of it has been doing the rounds on the internet and social media for years.
It is simply a physical version of push polling questions designed specifically to achieve a particular response and outcome to support and buttress their original assertion.
Only the ABC’s 7:30 could be so contemptuous of their dwindling audience to pull such a low rent stunt, so full of holes, to fool their supposedly discerning and intelligent audience.
It doesn’t explain or account for the work ethic, the attitude, the desire to succeed and the recognition and importance of the family as a support unit, of the tens of thousands, the millions of people, of different racial backgrounds that have migrated to Australia and done well.
It also fails to take into account the fact that many people will recognise and grasp the opportunities and choices afforded them. Some won’t, even born and bred white locals with their “privilege” but instead seek to blame others and the white privilege myth for their failure.
Think, the academic achievements of Vietnamese, Chinese and Indian migrant students and their parents who really did come from behind the starting line, many if not most, with limited or no English language skills, but having arrived in Australia immediately understood they had been given a second chance and won the lottery of life.
“….The current series on the ABC, The School that Tried to End Racism, rounds out their campaign to treat racism as another wicked constituent of Australian DNA.
The opening show was a masterpiece of the propagandist’s art. Knowing that critical race theory is repugnant to most Australians, the program uses emotionally manipulative tools to try to persuade Australians to adopt the theory without them knowing it. There is sweet music, blue skies, idealistic and teary teachers, decent and hardworking parents and adorable little kids.
None of that can hide the darkness of a pilot program that uses kids for political purposes: inducing a pretty blonde girl to meditate on her white privilege and apologise for it and leaving non-white kids in tears because they are told they are victims of a deeply racist society.
During one session, a group of nine and 10-year-old kids are lined up for a race on a sporting field. Here is what they were asked to do:
If both your parents were born in this country, take a step forward. If you have blue or green eyes, take three steps forward. Same skin colour as the Prime Minister? Take another three steps forward. Is English your parents’ first language? Take one step forward. If someone has said to you: but where are you really from? Take a step back. Do people on TV look like you? Take three steps forward. Now, run for the finish line.
After a little Vietnamese boy is left in tears at the back of this pack, presenter Marc Fennell tells the kids “the idea we all learnt is there is something called white privilege, that society in Australia gives preferential treatment to people with lighter skin or a certain cultural background”.
Fennell alludes to suffering at school because of his multicultural background. That’s sad. But how can it be right to personalise the politics of race on nine and 10-year-olds? What impact will there be on a little boy presented as a victim for the cameras?
There is another sickening scene where paler-skinned kids, removed from the class, are asked how it feels to be white.
When one girl says she doesn’t know what to say, Fennell says the “awkwardness in the room is palpable”. The kids are prodded further by a teacher: do you feel uncomfortable talking about being white? No one bothers asking whether it is a good thing that a little white girl has never thought about being white.
All children should be taught in an age-appropriate way about how to treat others with respect, about empathy and how skin colour says nothing about a person’s character. Instead, here is the retrograde politics of race in the 21st century: teaching white kids to apologise for their skin colour and making others feel like victims. This program should not be repeated in other Australian classrooms.
ABC activists and many in the race industry appear to despise Australia and Australians. Most Australians must surely find this view of their country unrecognisable and will resent the use of their taxes to pursue these agendas.
While Australia undoubtedly has social problems on many fronts, and should always strive to improve, it is one of the most generous, open and equal places on the planet.
It may not be fair and balanced to call Australia a paradise, but it is certainly not remotely fair or balanced for the ABC to depict Australia as a living hell of racism, sexism and inequality.
Shame on the ABC chair, its board and management for ceding control of major ABC platforms to enable activists to prosecute these divisive campaigns on our money…”