The people cannot be trusted to vote the right way — that would appear to be the reaction to the Brexit vote as the commentariat tries to cast a doubt over the legitimacy of the result.
The EU is now run by an unelected group of commissioners. They impose laws over the heads of national governments. Their arrogance is now on display again as they tell Britain to leave quickly. David Cameron was strongly in favour of remaining but the arrogance of the EU leadership left him with no political capital. So rather than face up to the facts and modify his view, he chose to run a campaign of fear while blind to the real fears and concerns of the people.
We now have a chorus calling for another vote because it didn’t go their way. But statistics show the turnout was highest among those who would have voted in the 1975 referendum on admission, while among the young it was barely 30 per cent.
Now we have the Left using the Brexit vote to add weight to their calls to deny the electorate a say on the most significant social change for many generations — same-sex marriage — in case it goes the wrong way.
Ken Beattie, Eltham, Vic
The reaction to the Brexit vote has been less surprising than the vote itself, but more illuminating. In a reflection of their attitude to democracy, those who believe themselves to be wiser and more discerning and thus, rightfully, the ruling elites are now attributing the Leave vote to the ignorance of the masses. It is this attitude that led to the success of Leave.
The Brexit vote marks a turning point in the long march of socialists and moral posers to disenfranchise ordinary people and impose centralist control under the guise of globalisation and progress.
The next institution to be challenged by ordinary peoples’ desire to regain sovereignty for their countries and control over their own lives will be the UN.
Philip Temple, Larrakeyah, NT