It would be easy to suggest that the Liberal Party had no idea what it was doing in preselecting Jason Falinski to take over the blue ribbon Liberal seat of Mackellar from Bronwyn Bishop.
Easy but wrong.
The factional overlord of the party Michael Photios and his minions knew exactly what they were doing.
Falinski is a player. A backroom operator who has been referred to by the Sunday Telegraphs Samantha Maiden as “the nearest thing the Liberal Party has to a communist”
Preselecting and endorsing the far left time server and career political wannabe, Falinski was just another twist of the Liberal Party’s factional Rubik’s Cube by the far left (they refer to themselves in Orwellian language as “moderates”. They are anything but and anyone not inside their tent is regarded as right wing with everything that implies.
A casual observer may well wonder what Jason Falinski is doing in the Liberal Party. Why not Labor? Many on the inside who know, suggest that perhaps he would be more at home in The Greens.
Falinski’s a blow in. As Alex Mitchel wrote on the Crikey blog about the time in 2008 that Falinski was greasing the wheels for a tilt at Warringah Council,
“When will Mr Falinski declare his true colours?” asked one of the “We Love Warringah” team, “and when will he declare his true political intentions? Is he going to serve Warringah ratepayers for four years as mayor, or is it merely a stepping stone on his ambitious career path?”
The most popular local view is that Falinski should return to the eastern suburbs and leave the northern beaches to its own. Falinski is likely to discover in September that the Warringah village people don’t like blow-ins from Bondi.
Before voting on July 2, it should be incumbent on all voters in Mackellar to understand exactly who and what they are voting for. Who the Liberal party have knowingly endorsed as their candidate.
Check out this blog by Andrew Bolt from early April. click all the links and notice that at least one has been taken down. We can only wonder why?