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“…As the weeks march on in the Donald Trump presidency, the rhetoric of the Left, the Democratic Party, and the Hollywood elites has continued to plumb new depths in crassness and incivility, with far too many in a mad dash to outdo the other in being as outrageous as possible.
It has become increasingly a staple of left-wing political bombast to compare one’s adversaries to the primary villains of World War II. Today, about 5% of the U.S. population has any recollection of those years. It has, therefore, become far too easy to demean and diminish the genesis and consequences of that fateful period as the education establishment, dominated by the Left, deliberately avoids teaching the realities of that era. Thus, opening the door for the demagogues to miscast those years for their own ends.
The compulsion to compare, either directly or deviously, one’s political opponent to Fascists, Nazis, Hitler, or Mussolini is indicative of the so-called Progressives’ inability to present a coherent argument in support of their policies. The mindless references to the World War II period (including the 1930’s) are an affront to and a denigration of the memory of nearly 60 million people who died in the War and the countless millions who suffered and were displaced. Far too many on the left side of the political spectrum, who so glibly throw around these comparisons, apparently do not know, or do not care to acknowledge, the socialist underpinning of Nazism and its parent Fascism and do not have the slightest concept of the real-life experiences of those who were there.
It is an admission that the Left knows it cannot compete in the larger arena of ideas. They know the only means they have to accumulate power and win elections is by:
1) Destroying the opposition through vile personal attacks,
2) Organizing and pre-planning demonstrations to appear spontaneous,
3) Orchestrating occasional violence at marches to ensure media coverage,
4) Utilizing their allies in the mainstream media to propagate false and misleading stories, and
5) Accelerating the spread of outright socialist anti-American propaganda through their fellow travelers in the education and entertainment establishment.
These are, in fact, some of the same strategies utilized by the despots of recent history in their seizure of power. If there is any group in the United States today that could be truthfully compared to the Fascists, it is the current iteration of the American Left…” The Rampant Incivility of the Left