Random Note #132,673
The latest novelty ride emanating from the fertile, albeit, desperate mind of South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill reminds me of a fairground, a theme park attraction that people stopped coming to 15 years ago. Clapped out rusting attractions left dilapidated, abandoned, and unwanted. A Labor induced, lonely, creaking, clapped out rusting hulk. Cobwebs, dust, rust and tumble weed.
I’m reminded of a once vibrant car industry, the Woomera Rocket Range, the home of the dud subs and who could forget their thrill ride that wasn’t, the Multi Function Polis.
But not to mind, as once again SA is leading the way with a vision of 50% renewables by 2030 with the main attraction being of one of the worlds largest (100 megawatts) battery backup storage systems plus a 250MW gas fired power station.
What goes unexplained is how this 100MW battery backup system will fill the void for any longer than 5 minutes or so when SA uses 1300 MW per hour.