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This is seriously disgraceful stuff regardless of your opinion on Adani and it is getting very ugly and extremely sinister. Like Sam Dastyari, Bob Carr has been a sinophile and a shill for China and Chinese interests for a very long time. Who knows what he was up to as Julia Gillard’s Foreign Minister spending most of his time at the pointy end of an A380.

This is the disturbing and disruptive new tactic we’ve seen deployed by the left in recent times when they can’t win the argument or simply want to close out and close down any opposition. This weeks example has been the lobbying and threatening of violent demonstrations at hotels and venues hosting Milo Yiannopoulos.

Several events had to be rescheduled to alternative venues or other dates. We saw the same tactic deployed during the SSM debate where venues hosting events for the no case were threatened with demonstrations and violence. There were numerous other examples as well including that of an events manager was sacked for simply supporting the no case with a logo on her personal Facebook page.
 In the US there have been several attempts by the masters of Astroturfing, Media Matters to put pressure on Fox News to get rid of presenters like Sean Hannity by threatening boycotts of advertisers products.
“..Former foreign minister Bob Carr has been lobbying for weeks to stop Chinese funding for the Adani coal project in Queensland, against the Turnbull government’s efforts to encourage support from China.
Mr Carr said he had now been told by a senior government figure that no Chinese financial institution would help fund the mine, as another Chinese bank said it would not provide finance..” Carr looks to deny Adani funding