“….So what did he and his revolution really accomplish? How different is Cuba of Castro from Cuba of Fulgencio Batista?
Batista’s gang was replaced by the Castros and their gang. Batista secret service was replaced by Fidel’s thugs. Rich landowners were replaced by party apparatchiks. American tourists were replaced by Russians and East Germans — for a while. Now even they don’t come. Can anyone point out any accomplishment worthy of all the blood spilled, thousands jaile…d and exiled, all the stolen property? Isn’t the sad truth that the only Cubans who prospered from Castro’s revolution are those who left the island paradise?
And Cuba isn’t alone. What is the difference between the Russia of today and the Russia of the Tsars? Today’s Tsar is not a Romanov but Putin. The boyars no longer exist but life of an ordinary Russian is ruled equally badly by bureaucrats. The capitalists are replaced by oligarchs. Can anyone tell me how is the life of an ordinary Russian better than it would have been if the communists never happened? Can anyone point out any accomplishment worthy of all the millions they murdered, jailed, and exiled, and the millions whose property they stole and life they ruined?
And how different is today’s China from the China of the Manchu dynasty? The Great Qing emperor is gone, replaced by the latest head of the communist dynasty. The mandarins are replaced by party bureaucrats. Can anyone tell me how the life of an ordinary Chinese is better than it would have been if the communists had never happened? Can anyone point out any accomplishment worthy of all the millions Mao murdered, jailed and exiled, and the millions whose property he stole and lives he ruined?
Can anyone point out anything that could possibly justify the human costs of the march to a communist paradise in any country? Why is the left lauding Fidel?