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The term Fake News was invented for this kind of Greens propaganda. It’s what they do and it’s totally false. It’s only fitting that the Fauxfacts organ, The Sydney Morning Herald should carry the story as an exclusive and rush to print before checking the facts on the ground (or on the beach)
“…Green groups opposed to the $16.5 billion Adani coal mine have been accused of propagating “fake news” after circulating images of “coal dust” on beaches near the Abbot Point coal ­terminal that was revealed to be black mineral sand called ­magnetite.
Queensland government environment officials yesterday confirmed they had “no immediate concerns” about environmental damage near the north Queensland port, noting that beaches had “regular depositions of minerals”.
He said the black deposits on the beach were magnetite and naturally occurring. He added that locals distrusted the claims made by the ACF and AMCS.
“It’s a basalt magnetite mix,” he said, describing the black sand. “It’s very heavy and magnetic in parts which is what Captain Cook discovered in 1770 when he sailed by the nearby Magnetic Island. We offered to take one of the environmentalists. But they refused on the basis that we wouldn’t allow them to take water samples…” Coal ,dust claims blown away