This is from 12 months ago and popped up as a memory on my Facebook feed. With all the static, chatter and noise swirling around identity politics it is still relevant today and for some time into the future I suspect.
“…Sigmund Freud must be wishing he were alive in this day and age in order to get a crack at the ever-expanding list of new mental disorders being created by liberals in America.
Not only is the new trend of creating phobias exclusive liberal territory, (when’s the last time you heard a conservative come up with a “phobia” – such as homophobia, trans-phobia, Islamophobia – and use it to advance a cause or agenda), so is the trend of faking one’s ethnic heritage….
Last week’s removal of yet another pretend minority by New Hampshire’s Dartmouth College shines light on a phenomena of behavior exhibited almost exclusively by the political left in America — instances of Caucasians pretending to be ethnic minorities. Its odd behavior to say the least, and behavior that is rarely if ever exhibited by anyone but liberals.
This pattern of behavior seems to be the exclusive territory of those on the ideological left. Why is that? And to make matters even more perplexing, when one of these fake minorities is uncovered and exposed it’s the left, the very people to whom they have lied and defrauded, who are the ones to come rushing to their defense…” Faking Race on the Left