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 There’s the problem right there as the dumbing down continues unchallenged and is all but complete. And we all thought the Pink Floyd song, Another Brick In the Wall was just a classic hit —-
‘…We don’t need no education, We don’t need no thought control, No dark sarcasm in the classroom, Teachers leave them kids alone..’
“…More than one-fifth of millennials in the U.S. — 22 percent — haven’t heard of, or aren’t sure if they’ve heard of, the Holocaust, according to a study published Thursday, on Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Additionally, 41 percent of millennials believe two million Jews or fewer were killed during the Holocaust, the study found. Six million Jews were killed in World War II by Nazi Germany and its accomplices.
Two-thirds of millennials could not identify in the survey what Auschwitz was.
“The survey found there are critical gaps both in awareness of basic facts as well as detailed knowledge of the Holocaust,” said a news release on the findings.
A majority of American adults surveyed — 70 percent — agreed with a statement reading: “Fewer people seem to care about the Holocaust as much as they used to.” And 58 percent of Americans believe that something like the Holocaust could happen again, the survey found.
The study on Holocaust awareness and knowledge in the U.S. was conducted between February 23 and 27 and involved 1,350 interviews with American adults 18 and older..”  4 in 10 millennials don’t know 6 million Jews were killed in Holocaust