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No doubt about the Greens. They just make it so easy to loathe them. (I guess that’s hate speech)


“…A whiteboard in Greens leader Richard Di Natale’s office reveals that the party had war-gamed the possibility of walking out on ­Pauline Hanson’s maiden speech to the Senate before its delivery.

Senator Di Natale said he did not envisage that the One Nation leader’s speech would be as ­“vulgar, ­offensive and hateful” as it was and therefore did not necessarily expect to walk out.

A whiteboard in his parliamentary office shows that the walkout was a carefully considered move, with a table listing “tactic: walk out; message: no to racism; audience: journos, everyone; channel: ­Senate”.

A further line lists “announcements” explaining “why & what” as a further tactic, and Twitter, email and Facebook as the ­communication channels…” Greens war-gamed Pauline Hanson maiden speech walkout