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Why, in a wired and connected world, with information readily available, do outfits like Fairfax and the ABC continue to think they can get away with this sort of “journalism”.
With the development and intrusion of 24/7 digital disruption and social media into all aspects of life, their jobs as gatekeepers are gone, as is the influence of so many others who once saw themselves as movers and shakers.
“…It is a timely observation as McGeough was at it again this very morning, passing along to remaining readers of the Age and Sydney Morning Herald the view of 35 psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors and social workers who have diagnosed Trump as a loony unfit to occupy the White House.
McGeough doesn’t mention the mental health experts by name, but they are easy to find with a quick Google search. Also easy to find, thanks to the Open Secrets website, are the political causes and candidates to which and to whom these diagnosticians-from-a-distance have contributed.
Well guess what — Surprise! Surprise! — of the head-shrinking 35, roughly two-thirds are generous and frequent financial supporters of Democrats in general and Hillary Clinton in particular. Of the signatories only one — yes, just one — has donated to a Republican, but his money went to Senator John McCain, who detests Trump with a vehemence that even Hillary Clinton might find hard to match..”