I read the Douglas Murray book The Strange Death of Europe when it was first published several months ago and it’s good to see it being more broadly cited, recently, used as a source and quoted at length not only on what’s already happened in Europe but what we can expect in Australia if we maintain our current trajectory.
That is, if people don’t wake up to what’s going on and understand that we’re under attack, not in a militaristic sense, but socially, culturally and economically.
I’ve often said that winning the lotto of life is to be born into or migrate to Australia but I have to say I’m not so sure of that any longer.
“….The second threat facing Europe, at the same time as Islamic terrorism, is that Europeans are turning their backs on Christianity and Enlightenment ideals that are the foundation stones on which European civilisation depends.
Murray argues that “Europe has lost faith in its beliefs, traditions and legitimacy” when it needs to assert itself against a foreign culture imported by Islamic fundamentalism. In universities and schools students are taught that there is nothing beneficial or worthwhile about Western civilisation. Politically correct advocates condemn nations such as England, France and Germany for their colonial past, feminists attack society as misogynist and sexist and neo-Marxists attack capitalism as inequitable and unjust. Although an atheist, Murray is especially concerned about Christianity being ignored as the New Testament, in particular, provides a strong moral and ethical framework that underpins European institutions and way of life.
As argued by Perth legal expert Augusto Zimmermann, the Ten Commandments and concepts like the inherent dignity of each person and the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” are Christian in origin.
Much of Western civilisation’s art, literature, music and architecture — including Michelangelo’s David, Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, Bach’s Mass in B minor and the great cathedrals such St Paul’s and Notre Dame — only exist thanks to Christianity.
There is much Australians can learn from Murray’s book.
Firstly, like Europe, freedom of speech and the right to speak out against multiculturalism have been lost.
Political correctness rules and anyone critical of immigration is condemned as xenophobic, racist and Islamophobic.
Secondly, in the same way that many condemn Europe for its imperialist past, many in Australia condemn the arrival of the First Fleet and the fact that the nation began as a British colony. In relation to Australia, Murray writes: “Colonialism has become the nation’s founding original sin.”
And like original sin, all those not of Aboriginal descent must always apologise.
Prompting the question: how long will succeeding generations be made to feel guilty about something that happened 200 years earlier?” Multiculturalism and political correctness are killing Australia