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Random Notes - Idle Thoughts

A Pyrrhic Victory—A pictorial definition

A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Someone who wins a Pyrrhic victory has been victorious in some way. However, the heavy toll negates any sense of achievement or profit.

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A must read. Malcolm Turnbull, Chapter and Verse by Geoffrey Luck

“..I do wish Malcolm Turnbull would stop claiming, as he did on the ABC yesterday, that ‘I’ve been involved in the internet since 1994 when we started Ozemail.’ The corporate entity which ran Ozemail changed in 1994 when Trevor Kennedy and Turnbull invested in it, but Ozemail itself began two years earlier, in 1992…..Malcolm initially passed on the opportunity, but on Kennedy’s second approach he decided to invest in what was by then already Australia’s largest ISP..”

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Politics of the warm inner glow 12 months on.

The Kiel-based Institute for World Economics estimated that only two per cent of recent migrants to Germany are employable. Professor Ludger Wössmann, director of the Centre for the Economics of Education in Munich, said his research showed at least two thirds of migrants can’t read or write.

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Richo Nails Turnbull For the Dithering, Muddled, Headed Empty Suit He Is

There was no plan, despite the years he had to prepare one. Indecision became institutionalised as he went out of his way to make his Treasurer, Scott Morrison, look like a weak and vacillating character. This was the man some of us knew. That it would all end in tears was obvious long before Turnbull’s visit to the Governor-General. He thought it a triumph that he could come up with a constitutional trick to get the double dissolution he wanted.

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Groupthink In The Press & Political Class—-Quadrant

“..Look at how many of them get into university politics, then go and work as dogsbodies for MPs or think tank, then use those connections to get preselected. These are people who spend their lives hanging around other politicos. They don’t put principle ahead of advancement because they have never had to do that – not in any real-world job..”

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Political Elites Kill Themselves With Polls—Maurice Newman

They can’t accept that “smart” voters think differently to them or are tired of what they recognise as a cartelised ruling establishment. So disconnected are they that they believe the masses fall for vague messages of compassion, fairness, jobs and growth. They think slogans that ooze condescension and promote cargo-cult dependency rather than advocate sound financial management and self-reliance fool the majority.

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Random Note #165,349—The Problem With Islam

The problem with Islam is that it has serious marketing, packaging and image issues that need to be urgently addressed. If it sees itself as just another product on the shelf in the market place of religious beliefs it should seriously consider a product...

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Feeling dudded yet? Things are starting to crystallise.

  This is chock full of interesting time lines. Seething for Power As I wrote on Monday, Turnbull, running dead as he did over the 8 week campaign, is either the Manchurian Candidate or hopelessly ham-fisted, and incompetent. I'm leaning towards the former. (almost)...

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