Random Note #189,393 — Autism in the classroom
Although she might have mangled her message Pauline Hanson has a point with respect to those on the disruptive end of the autism spectrum in the classroom, but again, right on cue, the noisy outrage industry goes into full flight with the usual moral posturing, preening and virtue signalling rather than deal with the points Hanson raised. Their high-minded offence taking, indignation and fury does not constitute an argument or debate.
Just as in parliament during question time, a noisy or disruptive member is required to remove themselves when directed under standing orders so business can proceed in an orderly fashion. It used to be the same in the classroom where by your typical ratty and disruptive student would be directed to sit outside or report go to the headmasters office.
Think about the basic mathematical logic. If a teacher has to spend half their time in a given class dealing with one student, that must mean less time and attention to the remainder. Even parents of autistic children admit to the exhaustion suffered in looking after just one such child.
Although it depends on where a child sits on the autism spectrum and the extent to which they’re affected, disruption is disruption no matter who is causing it or what precipitates it and to the extent that it impedes or slows down the flow of the class and the student teacher interaction, impacting the quality of teaching and teaching time of other students, special arrangements need to be made.