Bill Shorten’s faux concern, theatre and grandstanding in parliament on Monday over political donations raises a few questions. Like, what about the laundering of international donations through 3rd parties such as the Chinese linked Top Education Institute which was so generous to Sam Dastyari? What about ginger groups such as GetUp (of which Shorten was a founding director and his AWU a donor) so that GetUp can run arms length, advertising campaigns on Labors behalf. And what about the unions, Bill? Where do they fit into your scheme when it comes to donations whether it be in cold hard cash, man power or office facilities?
Shorten’s push is simply a leaf out of NSW Labor’s play book from when, in 2009 it prohibited donations from property developers as a means of closing down a donation stream of their political opponents whilst at the same time, as we saw in the Royal Commission, leaving the nefarious activities of the unions untouched to carry on with business as usual.