Back in 1991, President George H W Bush, in a speech to congress spoke about the coming of a New World Order.
I remember those words like it was only yesterday mainly because most people didn’t understand or knew what it all meant. We had the UN so what could he have possibly been thinking? How would this New World Order come into being?
It sounded so dark, ominous and foreboding, so spooky and so conspiratorial.
Like something being designed and imposed by dark and sinister forces in a backroom or basement somewhere.
Bush must have been talking about a form of global governance. What else could it possibly mean? A New World Order, Global Governance. The two fit together. It makes sense.
But how to get every nation, first world and third world, capitalist and communist, Muslim and Christian on the same page?
To do that you need some kind of international issue that would act as a catalyst that would force people to sit up and take notice and coalesce around and from which everyone and every nation could, through the auspices of the UN be convinced it was worth pursuing and from which they would all derive a benefit.
What better way to conduit, catalyse and stitch it all together than something that is global in nature and affects everyone?
Something that is to the average person “sciency” or scientific in nature and that could only be understood by a niche cohort of well funded “experts” and scientists who would, with the assistance of a compliant media, seats of leaning like universities and colleges and even K-12 school, carry the message.
Something about which the average person wouldn’t ask too many questions and be prepared to leave it to the experts and elites to sort out.
In short create a crisis out of whole cloth, that doesnt exist, than come up with a solution to that same none existant or at the very least over egged problem.
Something that could be harnessed into a fear campaign of rising seas and melting ice caps with the only way to mitigate the risk being for people to be badgered, herded, corralled and convinced to change their ways.
Something like a link between Co2 and climate? That should do it.
And so here we are in 2025, dealing with the greatest hoax in the history of human existence dismantling our economies, rewiring our electricity grids and breaking down the concept of borders and therefore the concept of the nation state with multiculturalism combined with massive legal and illegal immigration with absolutely no obligation on new comers to integrate or assimilate.
Welcome to George H W Bush’s New World Order or global governance.
Mission accomplished.