I’m no psychologist but let’s give it a shot.
Its been suggested that with the energy crisis, the population crisis, the debt and deficit crisis, the myriad social and cultural problems confronting the nation and the prospect of boats starting up again if Australia, most probably under a Labor government, signs on to the UN Global Migration Compact that we are confronting the biggest series of crisis out side of war. I disagree. This IS a war.
This is an economic, social and cultural war. A war of a different stripe. This is a war of insiders versus outsiders the cloistered, cosseted Canberra bubble against ordinary Australians.
With electricity affordability, reliability and availability, Canberra has turned its guns on the people.
The one person who can turn this entire thing around if he is of a mind to is Malcolm Turnbull. But he won’t. He is either The Manchurian Candidate on a suicide mission and determined to take the Liberal Party over the cliff or in is own mind he seriously sees himself as a political and parliamentary operator in the Gough Whitlam mould as a crash through or crash kinda guy. In reality, he’s just a crash test dummy.
Jim, I agree whole hardheadedly . Agree with what you say. i voted for you at the last election. Here is my dilemma, My son is an avid liberal as am I . He is working for JF in Canberra as an unpaid intern . Great, as we all say but as I agree with him on moving forward and supporting MT and JF. WTF are we doing?