Without doubt this slash and burn, gale force takedown by Mark Levin, of Robert Mueller and his report and all of Muellers corrupt cronies that he personally handpicked to work with him along with a compliant and corrupt media and the corruptocrats of the deep state involved in this entire attempted coup of Donald Trump, constitutes the best 40 minutes of television I’ve seen in a long, long time.
Time was when the traditional newspapers, radio and television (the MSM) were the gatekeepers of information. If they didn’t publish or broadcast it, it didn’t happen. It was, literally, a non-event.
But then along came cable television, the internet, bloggers, streaming and podcasts and the MSM are suddenly no longer the gatekeepers they once were.
With many other sources of news, they are no longer relevant as a disseminater of news, information, analysis and opinion.
Any ordinary person with half and eye or half an ear on the unfolding events of the last two and a half years and after reading a coupe of books on the subject, knew this was what it has turned out to be from the very beginning.
The media, almost as one, (the exception being Fox News), rushed to judgement and rolled the dice on Trump Russia collusion and lost. They let their deranged anger, hatred and unbridled outrage over Trumps win in 2016 cloud their judgement and objectivity.
The result is that they have effectively vandalised, trashed, blown up and destroyed their credibility and their reputations.
When people no longer believe what you’re telling them, when they’re no longer buying what your selling, it’s over.
If you don’t have time to watch, make time because it is instructive as to how close America came to a third world type bloodless coup of a duly elected president.
With all its sophistication and wealth, if this can happen there it can happen in any Western democracy.