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Random Note — The Memo
What a diabolically corrupt set of circumstances.
With the release of the four page memo pertaining to the corruption at the upper levels of the Department of Justice and the FBI and their spying and eaves dropping on the Trump campaign aided and abetted by the compliant, inside the beltway elite media and political class, people can now begin to understand what Donald Trump was referring to with his calls to “drain the swamp” and references to “crooked Hillary”.
Remember how last March, the media sniggered and laughed about Trump Tower being wired? Turns out he was right because he was tipped off after he became President elect.
The memo is full of facts and timelines, not conjecture as some media and political partisans will try and characterise and spin it. Dates, places and people and who did what when, and their various relationships to each other. Particularly of interest is how the FBI knowingly used an uncorroborated, bogus document, payed for by the Clintons and the DNC to get a warrant to wiretap the Trump campaign.
The complicity and corruption of the drive by, left of centre, partisan media in all of this which normally calls for transparency and the “disinfectant of sunlight” and in the case of the Washington Post, which laughably adopted the motto “Democracy Dies in the Darkness” only 12 months ago, have been risible as they’ve been running dead on reporting on the key points unfolding over the last few months and the release of the memo and the people’s right to know.
This, by the way is the same media (Washington Post) that dutifully pursued Nixon over Watergate and the (New York Times) which in 1971 took it all the way to the Supreme Court for the right to publish the Pentagon Papers.
So it seems transparency and the disinfectant of sunlight is ok as long as it’s only exposing the other side. With a motto like “Democracy Dies In The Darkness” its ironic that the Washington Post been either spinning or running dead on this for no other reason that to keep its readers in the dark.
On the release of The Memo, Kimberly Strassell of the Wall Street Journal remarked:
“..I’ve been in journalism all my life and I have never, ever seen the press corps fight so hard against transparency..”