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The big, cynical, three eyed fish and frog type, 1960’s and 70’s health scare of the risk of heart disease, strokes and cancer was always going to be part of the anti nuclear arsenal.

And of course from a former Greens candidate, what else would you expect?

But notice how Australia, where nuclear energy is banned and with the exception of Lucas Heights, doesn’t have a nuclear energy industry at all, already has one of the highest rates of heart disease, cancer and strokes consistent with the rest of the West.

They quite obviously haven’t thought through their scare campaign at all and don’t understand that people are much more aware, cynical and attuned to their environmental, climate and renewables propaganda

Just take a walk around your local mall in any city, suburb or town across Australia, contrast and compare and check the rates of obesity you see with your own eyes then tell me who is more at risk of heart disease, strokes and cancer and the cause — Those shuffling human time bombs or living with modern nuclear energy?