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In his own words, success is and will be Trump’s revenge and retribution.

This must be the final humiliation for many and the criminal cartel of Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, the MSM pundits and prognosticators like loudmouth Maddow on MSNBC and the thousands of liars and leakers of the administrative deep state and the swamp class who are about to be exposed and outed after their many, many decades of betrayal.

Theoretically at least this should break and bankrupt the mainstream media and in the political sense, the entire Democrat party and the political and information complex.

Woke ideology and the politics of race, identity and gender have been put through the woodchipper of political fashion and fads. As has the bogus idea of misinformation in the age of social media.

Where to now for the likes of the feckless creeps of the European Union and their attempts to bring down Elon Musk over free speech.

Right or wrong, misinformation is simply other information. Angles, ideas and opinions as it has forever been, that you don’t like..

Trump has absolutely and totally broken all of them, both in terms of spirit and credibility.

It’s not too much of a stretch to be seeing the seminal events of yesterday through the prism of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Like Icarus they have all flown too close to the sun and like the lumbering dinosaurs they are, they have all been relegated to become fossilised in the tarpits of politics.

China, Iran and their proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah have every reason to feel very nervous.

Israel has every reason to feel very elated.