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Notice how the proponents of the voice are trying to regain control by reshaping the narrative and the essence of what the referendum is all about into one of, just plain and simple recognition?

It’s not and never has been about recognition. That hasn’t even been a secondary consideration

Linda Burney at the Labor conference yesterday said she had “absolutely no doubt” the referendum would be carried. “The question is this: ‘Do you support a change to the Constitution to recognise the first people of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voice, yes or no,’’ she told the packed room.

What they’re doing with this sleight of hand pea and thimble trick, is responding to their own research which has indicated that if that we’re the case, that it was just about recognition in the preamble in the constitution, most people would be on board.

But it’s not about that and never has been.

The voice is much broader and deeper, about “matters that affect them” (their own words) and that means everything, from bridges, tunnels, dams, mines, roads and rail being used as a weapon by activists, turbocharged and hijacked as something “affects them”.

Of course thousands of acres of ugly wind and solar farms for the worship of unreliable renewables will be non negotiable, off the table and out of bounds.