Batya Ungar Sargon is from the left and is the opinion editor of Newsweek and has written extensively for the major dailies. Her new book, Second Class: How the elites betrayed America’s working men and women is the subject of this interview with Steve Bannon. She really understands exactly what’s going in on in the war between the globalist elites and the struggling and shrinking middle class, right across the West. I’ve never heard it explained this well by anyone.
Steve Bannon is excellent in this interview. Although from the opposite ends of the political spectrum they are both on the same page.
Pick it up at the 3 minute mark.
Dear Jim,
Thank you for averting the reader to this book. It is a hard cover edition available in Australia between $47 and $62 depending on postage charges.
Meanwhile the idea that feminism has liberated women appears to enslave them rather than liberating them.
Note the irony. One wage was able to feed, clothe and house a family.
It was the dream of the quarter acre block. Then it transitioned to a 315 square metre bock. Then to an apartment . Now it is the dream dogbox.
On top of that people cannot afford a dream dogbox let alone two partners affording the rent.
Feminism has not liberated anyone.
If you want to know the origins of feminism, I recommend the book “The End Of Woman, How Smashing The Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us” by Dr Carrie Gress, published by Regnery Publishing, ISBN 97816845514182.
According to the author, feminism has its origins starting in the 1800s in the occult and in Marxism.
Ultimately the aim of feminism is to destroy the family unit.
The author writes that many of the agitators have lived miserable lives and ended miseraby. That’s an omission from the narrative.
In the end feminism has not made anyone happy. It not improved the cost of living.
Thank you