The simple fact that the headline statement below has to be spelt out, is a clear, unambiguous and unequivocal sign that the multicultural project has run its course and failed.
Surely the barometer of a person having any intention of adhering to our laws, mores, values and culture is whether they adhere to the law that makes child marriage totally illegal in Australia. The fact there seems to be no intention to abide by the law but rather the hard wired law of Sharia, placing it over and above Austrlian law, atomatically and immediately disqualifies them from being a citizen.
“…Horrifying news of a spike in forced child marriages needs to prompt some serious questions about the wisdom of Australia’s official policy of multiculturalism.
According to Australian Federal Police figures released recently, the number of reported forced marriages rose from three in 2014 to nearly 70 this year.
NSW Family and Community Services minister Brad Hazzard has admitted that girls as young as nine are being taken overseas and forced into marriage.
The girls come from Muslim communities where child marriage is often accepted as part of Islamic tradition because it is sanctioned by the Koran.
Child marriages were common in 7th century Arabia and the practice was adopted by the Koran. But why has it been allowed to continue in 21st century western countries like Australia?
Police, school principals, and community workers can only do so much to address the scourge of force marriages. Increased vigilance concerning the wellbeing and whereabouts of vulnerable girls is certainly vital.
But equally important is a better understanding among imams and Muslim community leaders that forced marriage — deemed by the law to be akin to slavery — is totally illegal in this country…”
There’s no room for child marriage in Australia