What Thinking Australians Are Thinking
Selling good farmland to other countries is not deemed to be contrary to the national interest. Will this still be so when 35 per cent of Australia’s farmland is owned by other countries? Or 75 per cent? What figure would be acceptable?
Allan Gardyne, Coolangatta, Qld
In another act of incompetence, the Turnbull government has increased Chinese ownership in Australia by agreeing to the sale of another magnificent cattle station in the Kimberley. Well, that should pay for our welfare bill for a couple of months, and then what? Sell off more prime land or water?
Brian Whybrow, Wanniassa, ACT
Don’t waste time making a treaty. At this rate, the Chinese will own it all within a generation. Sleep on, lucky country.
Rick Atkinson, North Curl Curl, NSW
That anyone would express surprise at the poor NAPLAN results indicates just how bad our education system has become. The reduction in focus on reading, writing, arithmetic and critical thinking replaced by elements such as feelings, sustainability and cultural diversity is a big clue. On top of that, children now have multiple sexuality categories to deal with. Add in lack of discipline and removal of competitiveness so everyone gets the same grades and the mix is complete. Without curriculum change, results will continue to fall and more money will not help.
James Hein, Hackney, SA