No one knows his way around Canberra better than the former head of treasury, John Stone. On this issue he is 100% correct…
“..In light of your latest Newspoll, David Crowe (“Turnbull turmoil reflected in a wilderness of mirrors”, 19/6) says that “the grave danger for Turnbull and the entire Coalition is that voters have stopped listening”.
Four months ago (Letters, 28/2) I said that what the polls then showed was that “Turnbull is unelectable: people have simply stopped listening to him”.
The Liberal party room now has only one course open to it. Get rid of Malcolm Turnbull, replace him with a leader from the party’s right, and seek to attract back all those disaffected conservatives who, like myself, will never vote Liberal again while this Labor wolf in Liberal clothing leads the party…”
John Stone, Lane Cove, NSW