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Chris Bowen and Labor have so dug themselves into a hole with their anti nuclear position and their attachment and promotion of renewables that they’ve lost all sense of perspective, objectivity, reason and logic.
It’s almost like an apoplectic Hitler in the Führerbunker, spitting and frothing at the mouth directing his generals to deploy brigades and battalions that no longer exist in the dying days of WW2.
They’ve become so single minded to the point of being blinded by the obvious, Occam’s Razor, nuclear solution to the point where it’s no longer about what will do the job but about lunatic ideological goals and objectives.
Ego, pride and politics dictates that they just can’t back away, and consider other possibilities and so they’re determined to just keep digging.
Bowen, like a mad scientist is so far out on the ledge with his renewable Frankenstein that he can’t be talked down.