It’s not as if those kids and their parents on Nauru have ever set foot on, lived in, or have ever formed any emotional or psychological connection or sentimental attachment to Australia and therefore can’t be pining to be reunited with something they have never known, experienced or been associated with.
And if it is genuine refuge they were seeking they have found it. They are safe. There are many in Australia living in worse circumstances and conditions.
Apart from failed expectations and not getting what they paid for, what exactly is their problem?
To quote that sage, oracle and philosopher Mick Jagger, “you can’t always get what you want”
The truth is we are being gamed by the activists, using kids as human shields endeavoring to precipitate another boats crisis and breakdown our border security.
But more to the point, where is the cri de coeur of these activists when it comes to the rape of two year olds in remote Aboriginal communities and the REAL psychological damage associated with an environment of violence, drugs, drudgery and hopelessness?