After two years, thirty million dollars, five hundred witnesses, 2,800 subpoenas and 13 requests to foreign governments, if there was obstruction by Trump, Mueller would have found it.
He couldn’t find any because there wasn’t any but he has deliberately left it as an open, vague and equivocal question to leave some impeachable meat on the bone and to give Congress something to gnaw on.
They couldn’t nail Trump on collusion so now they’ll shift their focus to obstruction. Go for it. All the way to 2020. Good luck.
In that time frame though, details like the actual obstruction of justice by Hillary Clinton when she deleted 30,000 emails (and had her various iPhones and Blackberries smashed up with hammers) subpoenaed by the FBI will be under scrutiny.
That is REAL destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice and that DID actually happen.
It seems bizarre that if their was no original crime of collusion how their could be a crime of obstruction for something that didn’t happen?
There was an attempt to frame Trump and as you’d expect, if you were being set up and framed you’d say stuff that would be regarded as quite normal. Intemperate perhaps, but normal.
All Mueller, The New York Times and The WaPo and the Fairfax press and the 4 Corners crowd needed to do, was read Gregg Jarret’s book, Russia Hoax and Dan Bongino’s Spygate which gives the chronology of events, times, places, people, texts, emails, the lot, everything, and they could have save a lot of time and effort.
We are talking about nothing less than a bloodless coup in order to overturn an election.
The thing is they so badly wanted the Russia Hoax to be true because so invested were they in a Clinton win, they could never except that she lost the unlosable election.
The irony is that it is true, but not in the way they think. Russian collusion did in fact happen.
What Mueller studiously avoided was the actual collusion that did actually happen in trying to frame Trump the candidate and then having failed that, the attempt to frame and derail Trump the President.
This was collusion between the Clinton campaign, a former British spy and Russian operatives in setting up the Trump Russia collusion narrative in the first place. It had its genesis in the Obama White House.
In short, they colluded to set up collusion to bring down a candidate then a president.
To quote one tweet from August 2016 on the public record between two of the partisan players from the FBI: “..The White House is running this..” (see question 9)
The plan was for Clinton to sail through to victory and the entire sordid mess, just like her 30,000 deleted emails, subpoenaed by the FBI, would disappear into the memory hole of the Washington swamp.
Well, she didn’t and it wasn’t.
This has only just started to play out and will take some months or perhaps years but maybe less, because again, the trail of unequivocal, unambiguous evidence is right there in plain sight and various players who have already given closed door testimony to Congress are already being served.
Be interesting to see if the likes of 4 Corners now tells the full story on Trump Russia collusion and jumps on to the real criminal conspiracy by the Clinton cabal with the same alacrity or whether they too will studiously ignore the facts.