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Reality Bites

Reality Bites

Although it's a meme and these days with so much fake news it difficult to tell, Obama actually did say this and similar in tweet and speech. But of course that was then, when Hillary was a shoo-in and it was game over, or so they thought. Funny how reality has a...

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If Only Sharks Ate ‘Experts’ — Walter Starck, Quadrant

If their proclaimed expertise included any practical knowledge of sharks and shark fisheries they would know nets are not only effective but pose little risk to overall shark populations. It simply causes them to avoid the netted area. Half-baked notions of environmental evangelism being presented as sound science by self-proclaimed “experts” have played a major part in driving a majority of our small primary producers out of their industry.

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Warren Mundine Gets It — This isn’t racist, Islamophobia or cruel. It’s commonsense — The Daily Telegraph

Warren Mundine — “..Donald Trump’s victory demonstrates the media and commentariat are disconnected from voters. Almost without exception they failed to anticipate the presidential election outcome — and had little influence on it. Their message that Trump was unfit for presidency largely ignored. Australia’s political media and commentariat are also out of touch. Listening to them you’d think Australians are preoccupied with gay marriage, offshore detention, carbon emissions and identity politics. Most are preoccupied with their families, their homes, their jobs, the monthly bills and their kids’ education and job prospects..”

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Study: Half of people “remember” events that never happened

The study experimented with implanting fake (but relatively harmless) memories, such as taking a childhood hot-air balloon ride, pulling a prank on a teacher, or causing trouble at a family wedding, into the minds of study participants. Researchers told them about the imaginary events as if they were real, and about 30 percent of participants appeared to “remember” it happening, even elaborating on how it occurred and describing details of what it was like.

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