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We have totally lost our way

I’m not making this up but this is a very dark place at which we have arrived. The cop in charge on the night on the stand this afternoon at the Lindt Café siege inquest in explaining about the delay in storming the café. “..I had to look after the welfare of the...
What Thinking Australian Are Thinking

What Thinking Australian Are Thinking

By virtue of my work with children and the elderly, I am required to undergo a police check. There is no reason why the urgency of terrorism threats should not lead to a similar but stricter requirement on all religious teachers, with a licensing requirement and an...

Random note #189,682 — Kevin Rudd and the UN

Kevin Rudd’s tilt for the the top position as Sec Gen of the UN defies belief. The fact that the Liberal government at the behest of Julie Bishop, with her own eye on a UN payoff eventually, is considering recommending/endorsing him even more so. This is the...