Several weeks ago, I wrote in a simple, four step, bullet point format, what I suggest is going on with Biden and Harris in the run up to and beyond November 3rd in the US election so it’s good to read in Lee Smith’s new book, The Permanent Coup, that I’m over the target
Keeping in mind Biden’s cognitive decline I floated a very similar scenario that Biden steps down within in weeks, months or a respectable passage of time which is widely predicted, and Kamala Harris as VP AND her eminence grise, Obama, steps in.
This IS the plan:
“…Obama would choose the vice president, through whom, if elected, he and his aides, would guide the country…”
READ ON — (pages 194/95 of The Permanent Coup)
“….Obama wouldn’t have needed to intervene so openly had Kamala Harris won the nomination. Washington insiders on both sides agreed that since she had Obama’s backing, she was the obvious front-runner.
After she proved inert and unlikable on the stump, Obama waited for the other candidates to sort themselves out, until it was down to Biden and Bernie Sanders.
Obama would choose the vice president, through whom, if elected, he and his aides, would guide the country.
This would give the forty-fourth president another four to eight years to complete the trans-formative work he did not have time to finish in his first two terms in office.
This was the purpose of the coup: to block the agenda that Trump was elected to implement until Obama could retake control through a member of the party he’d shaped in his own image…”