On my home page I write in part about how every “..sectional, factional, cultural, interest and identity group can feast at the expense of everyone else…” It is corrosive and divisive.
Mark Latham picks up on this theme in his blistering attack on the divisive politics of identity in his column, The election is shaping as a battle between the two most politically correct leaders in Australia’s history
“….It says something bizarre about Australian politics that in this election campaign, both major parties are committed to keeping Safe Schools and the equally Goebbelesque Building Respectful Relationships program. As a duo, Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten are the two most politically correct leaders in our history.
Over the next eight weeks there will be no talk of how welfare dependency in places like Auburn, Parramatta and Merrylands has become an Australian breeding ground for Islamic terrorism.
There will be no talk of how the nation’s 200,000 per annum immigration program is adding daily to congestion and urban sprawl, making large parts of Sydney unlivable. There will be no talk of amending section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act to restore genuine freedom of speech.
There will be no talk of curbing the thought-police powers of the Human Rights Commission, which has declared its right to name and shame “racists”, even when there is no evidence of racial malice.
Most of all, there will be no talk exposing the fraud of identity politics: the Leftist obsession subdividing our nation on the basis of race, gender and sexuality.
By encouraging people to focus on their individual identity, the Left is atomising society and destroying our sense of community, no less than the individualistic Right….”