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Random Notes - Idle Thoughts

Random Note #203,652 — The (Non) Gas Crisis

The one thing the gas crisis underscores is a major flaw that lies at the heart of our Federation. It’s the State governments that should be in the frame on this and it’s beyond absurd that the Federal government should be expected to solve a gas “crisis” the states have created with their immature, ill-founded and ideological objection and ban on opening up new gas fields? With enough gas reserves to fuel Australia for 200 years, there is no gas crisis or shortage of gas as such, just a shortage of will to get it out of the ground.

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Random Note #186,943 — Victorian schools adopt ‘anti-privilege’ feminist clubs — Rebecca Urban, The Australian

Meanwhile, in the cultures wars from the grievance and misery industries. Like Safe Schools, this is ugly Marxist stuff coming out of The People’s Republic of Victoria designed to fragment and divide along gender and identity lines.
“..Schoolyard “feminist collectives” are springing up across the country as young women are presented with a grim picture of gender equality by a new wave of education programs that place “white, male privilege” and ­“hegemonic masculinity” at the root of family violence…”

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Lib Guru — Liberal Government Hates Their Own Constituents

This is blow touch to the belly stuff AND laser accurate. Written by a former SA and Qld Liberal Party State Director, no less. “…The Turnbull government is at war with the people. This is a government which hates their own constituents. The Liberal Party has lost touch with what it stands for and will be decimated unless it changes tack. Across the next electoral cycle the Liberals will lose power federally and in every state with the exception, perhaps, of Tasmania…”

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Abdel-Magied’s defenders are brainless on free speech — Andrew Bolt

Andrew Bolt pretty much nails the canard being floated that somehow the criticism of Abdel-Magied is anti free speech. Of course it’s the exact opposite. This entire episode is a demonstration that the best way to fight her free speech is with better free speech. It’s not about piling on, its about fighting back. As the celebrity and novelty Muslim and multi culti pet, she ticks all the ABC cultural diversity boxes. She is the exotic, flashy person of colour, a woman and a Muslim. She’s also vacuous. The fact that it had to be “brought to her attention” how offensive her post was, indicates just how silly, ignorant, immature and lacking in judgment she is. This further begs the question as to what qualities she brings to public broadcasting and why, apart from her exotic, try hard, Jenny Key sctick, the ABC invests so much in someone who offers so little

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ABC Shielded from criticism — The Australian

I’m astonished but not surprised. It seems quite apparent, even to the most casual or disinterested observer, that the ABC has either lost its way or been hijacked by the green left. All evidence points to the later. So divorced and alienated from the community and taxpayers it’s chartered to serve makes it necessary its time for an inquiry into the ABC. ABC bias by omission in the Don Dale episode was absolutely central. If the story was produced as told by the players their wouldn’t have been a program and therefore a Royal Commission

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