Watching this interview with Kimberly Strassel of The Wall Street Journal about her book, ‘Resistance At All costs: How Trump Haters Are Breaking America’ and on the occasion last week of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp at Auschwitz, it reminded me of the directive of General (later US President) Eisenhower, for the media to bear witness and film and document everything they saw because the Holocaust was so big, and on such an industrial scale and dimension and so beyond belief that he anticipated a time in the future when the Nazi atrocities might be denied and written off as conspiracy theory.
It was, in the true sense of the word, unbelievable. And of course that is exactly what happened with some people, even to this day, seventy five years later.
The same applies here with what’s happened over the last five or six years in America starting with Obama and his friendship with 60’s radical from The Weathermen bomber of the Pentagon, Bill Ayers. His pastor was the Reverend (God Damn America) Jeremiah Wright who blamed America for 9/11.
It is not just a bloodless coup (so far) against Donald Trump, but the wholesale attempt at second American revolution, to tear down the existing order.
It is simply so big, so deep, so multifaceted and multi-layered and so downright preposterous and beyond belief that even now, while it’s still playing out, there are people who simply don’t believe it.
Interestingly, this all precedes the 2016 election and Trumps elevation to president. It was going on underground long before Trump was elected. His election was merely a catalyst.
It all takes me back the book of four or five years ago which I thoroughly recommend for its insights, the New York Times best seller, called The Shadow Party: How George Soros and sixties radicals seized control of the the Democratic Party. At the time, although I found it interesting but thought it might be a bit of a stretch. Not anymore.
It’s all there, Clinton and Soros, it’s all laid out and it’s all playing out now, with all the threads being drawn together. It was all meant to be just a quiet revolution over time but with the emergence of their nemesis, Donald Trump in 2016 they’ve dropped any subtlety or any pretence.
It is now a full throated, out in the open, defiant, in ya face radical left, jihad and guerrilla revolution with no more hiding their intentions to overthrow the existing order.
Apart from the entrenched and embedded foot dragging, deep state players who are playing their waiting game until Trumps gone, one way or another, all you have to do is check the outrageously far left policies of all the Democrat candidates for the 2020 election.
As Strassel points out, The Democrats have moved so far to the left and so determined to complete the work of Obama that they know that they can’t beat Trump because people simply won’t buy their policies.
They are determined, in the spirit of the ACTU’s Sally McManus, to just simply break the rules.
As an aside, it is also worth remembering that Hillary Clinton was very close to Saul Alinsky the author of the book Rules for Radicals, and she was one of the very few people to read the manuscript of the book before it was published. She even wrote her thesis at Wellesley College on Alinsky.
They are openly working on removing Trump as President, intent on abolishing the electoral college, (which evens elections out across the entire country otherwise elections would be decided by the popular vote of N.Y. California and Chicago alone,) packing The Supreme Court, letting sixteen years olds vote and in some states, allowing illegal immigrants to vote by handing out drivers licences as voting registration ID and a range of other things that are anathema to ordinary, hardworking tax payers and they’re selling it all as mere reforms.
But as Strassel points out, they’re not reforms at all, they are a wholesale overturning of the system.
They were so close to securing, cementing and locking in a third Obama term with Clinton as President and then Trump came along and scuttled the entire thing. Like Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers in the temple. An early version of draining the swamp.
The first few minutes of the interview will give you the picture.
Watch for the use of the word, “illegitimate“ and the legal metaphor or doctrine, “fruit of the poisoned tree”.
Illegitimate has been their word weapon of choice all along and that is their angle of attack going forward to the elction in 2020 and beyond.