What Thinking Australians Are Thinking (part 2)
Chinese are reportedly unhappy giving money to politicians and not getting the outcomes they want. They shouldn’t take it personally. We Australian taxpayers also pay politicians huge sums and we don’t get the outcomes we want either.
Malcolm Scoggins, Mona Vale, NSW
I’ve always thought Sam Dastyari was a well-groomed man, and now we all know who was grooming him.
Burt Bosma, Surrey Hills, Vic
I am pleased to see that after a fortnight searching, Senator Dastyari has found his moral compass. It was probably under the receipt for his Chinese takeaway.
Daryl C. Teague, Leabrook, SA
Well done Sam. You eventually got it. But better than that, you’ve made a laughing stock of Bill Shorten, who didn’t have the guts to sack you.
Graeme Garde, Coolum Beach, Qld
I have long wondered how I could get someone else, whether I knew them or not, to pay our bills, but haven’t the hide to ask.
Roseanne Schneider, Yeronga, Qld