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Random Notes - Idle Thoughts

Beware China’s Grand Strategy, Jason Thomas — The Australian

Yesterday I suggested that there’s no need for any kind of air, sea or land invasion when our very own political class are happy to sell our heritage out from underneath us with absolutely no idea as to the long game being played by China. “..China’s investment in a range of strategically located foreign ports (think Darwin) around the world is more than smart supply-chain management. These investments create enormous leverage for China in the domestic and foreign policy interests of the countries that sold these ports to China. The effect of this positioning can be subtly played out in votes at the UN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum, the World Trade Organisation and a range of other multilateral bodies. When former US president Barack Obama failed to enforce his “red line” against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons against civilians, this sent the message to other nations that they could expand regional hegemonic claims without repercussions..”

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A remember when, sentimental journey

This is something of a “remember when” sentimental journey for baby boomers. Life in any town Australia in the late 40's and early 1950’s. The Australian Christmas under the summer sun. Life before the multiculti nanny state. No hi viz. No helmets. No Safe Schools. No...

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Random Note — Sugar tax must be across the board not just on soft drink

We’ve seen how government initiatives unravel with the Rob Sitch, Utopia inspired Return and Earn recycling scheme in NSW. Or the NBN. Why do you think that governments are capable of tackling obesity? I don’t think anything reveals or reflect the sclerotic, flabby or lazy thinking of the likes of the Obesity Policy Coalition so much as the resort to the predictable default position, of all QANGO’S, NGO’s and society’s busy bodies, as the tax option. It will do absolutely nothing to solve the problem of obesity unless its draconian, across the board on ALL processed food and soft drink comparable to the tax on cigarettes.

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Random Note — The Liberals

It is becoming more and more apparent with each passing day that Turnbull is terminal and that the Libs are simply whistling past the cemetery, trying to forestall the inevitable.

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Random Note (part 2) — Kristina Keneally

Like most people taking an interest in the Bennelong by election I’ve been watching how Kristina Keneally handles the parry and thrust and the heat of the kitchen without Eddie, Joe and Ian there to prop her up and lean on party rogues and recalcitrants. I still can’t...

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Random Note — Energy

Random Note — Energy

They blow up decommissioned power stations with the same mad eyed, frothing and insane orgasmic enthusiasm and alacrity as that of the ululating Taliban blowing up the Bamiyan Buddhas which again is not dissimilar to the way our insane cultural relativist political class had a collective orgasm with much ululating, hugging and kissing on the floor of parliament when they blew up traditional marriage along with freedom of speech and religious protections only a week ago. And again, they are so proud of their insane deeds. This is what we’re dealing with. What a low rent class of people. Sam Dastyari was an amateur at selling us out. In fact a Chinese hegemon is looking good by comparison to our gaggle of smug and condescending but in reality totally incompetent, insecure and uncertain milquetoast pantie waists..

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Why Jerusalem Matters — American Thinker

Other nations will surely follow suit, as even the most timid among them may eventually move their embassies to Jerusalem. Donald Trump paved the way. He is only the third president to offer such a magnanimous gesture to Israel. Harry Truman did in 1948 when the U.S. became the first nation to recognize the new State of Israel. Richard Nixon saved Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War with an unprecedented massive military airlift. Both presidents suffered the opposition of allies and friends alike. Both were there for Israel when it mattered most.

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