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Random Notes - Idle Thoughts

Is this evil or what? Heads should roll over this — Stolen Generations lesson draws parents’ ire, SMH

“..Kynan Wykes, 10, and his year 4 class thought they were starting a normal school day when a nun walked into the classroom at 9.30am on Tuesday, holding a letter that she said came from the Prime Minister’s office.
Their parents weren’t looking after them well enough and they would be taken away, she told students at St Justin’s Catholic primary school in Oran Park. They didn’t believe it at first and some of the students went to the teacher to ask if it was true. She said it was real, and several started crying…”

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Random Note #187,426 — Memo to The Liberal Party — Pick a cliché

You can prevaricate, kick the can down the road and rearrange the deck chairs as much as you like but without Abbott at the helm the Liberal ship is going to hit the sand – And everyone knows it. Tony Abbott from opposition took Julia Gillard to a hung parliament in 2010 and then took the coalition to government in 2013 in a landslide. A record total of 25 seats in 3 years.
He said he’d abolish the carbon tax. He did.
He said he would do what Labor, Fairfax and the ABC said couldn’t be done and stop the boats.
He did that too.

All Turnbull seems capable of doing is stopping the votes, trashing a landslide victory and delivering a Labor government. It’s all going according to plan.

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Let’s be on speaking terms — Mark Latham

Two-thirds of Fairfield’s residents were born overseas, while 70 per cent speak a language other than English at home. In the 1990s, Bowen and the former state MP Carl Scully recruited large numbers of Assyrians into Fairfield’s Labor Party branches. Their leader, Anwar Khoshaba, became a political kingmaker. His son Ninos succeeded Scully in the state seat of Smithfield in 2007. Four years later he was swept out of parliament in the anti-Labor, anti-Keneally swing, replaced by an Assyrian Liberal MP, Andrew Rohan. Over time, Fairfield’s Assyrian community has come to see themselves as running the city. It’s an arrogance spawned from sheer weight of numbers and the fawning attitude of local councillors and MPs who rely on their support. The Assyrian attitude to my Facebook video was one of propriety, telling me I had no right to be in Fairfield without their permission. One thug told me to “piss off back to Liverpool”.

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Random Note #176,532 — short, sharp and to the point — 4 Corners and retirement villages

A 4 Corners expose on Live Cattle exports results in an immediate ban — A 4 Corners expose on Don Dale Detention Centre results in an immediate Royal Commission — A 4 Corners expose on the Greyhound industry in NSW results in a ban — A 4 Corners expose on the practices of some operators of the retirement village industry and not so much as whisper of either a Royal Commission or an inquiry.

The silence of the government or the minister in charge betokens the governments consent of these unconscionable practices. Makes you wonder, to what extent if any, are there political donations in play?

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Sydney Opera House ditches Dangerous Ideas for festival of progressive activism — The Guardian

This reads like a lefties wet dream. A festival of whacko causes for sundry nihilists, anarchists and weirdos . Notice how, to get people to join in left wing political activism which is what progressive activism is, is now dressed up and marketed as “a festival.”
“…The festival is curated by Danielle Harvey, curator of the Opera House’s feminism and ideas conference All About Women, and co-curator of Festival of Dangerous Ideas from 2010-2016. She sees Antidote as a “natural evolution” to Fodi which reflects “the mood of the time”. “To me, fear and anger is driving so much of what we’re seeing around us right now – in the media, on social media, and in discussions with our audiences. I wanted to provide something as an antidote, as the title suggests,” Harvey told Guardian Australia.

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Smear — A new book on what’s going on in the media and why

This is a great interview about a new book on what’s going on in the media. “Smear — How shady political operatives and fake news control what you see, what you think and how you vote” Although it’s about the media in America we are seeing similar things in Australia..

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The Mal-churian Candidate — Paul Collits, Quadrant

Apart from Obama, schooled in Alinskyism and the by-any-means-necessary mores of Chicago politics, the most obvious candidate for the modern title of Manchurian Candidate must be one Malcolm Bligh Turnbull. Conspiracy theory? Consider this. One would be at a loss to come up with a more perfect scenario of a conspiracy to destroy the Liberal Party and hand government to Labor, while in the meantime actually implementing Labor policies, than what has actually transpired under Turnbull.

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Knavish Stupidity of the First Degree — Peter Smith, Quadrant

Madness prevails. Cheered on by green zealots, governments have accepted as settled a tenuous scientific theory, based almost entirely on black-box model predictions which have been seriously astray. If that is not enough, cheered on by carpetbaggers and snake-oil merchants, intermittent, unreliable, ineffective and cripplingly costly renewal power has been foisted on working-class populations scared into compliance. On the flimsiest basis, the world has been turned upside down. Power bills have soared. Our governments and politicians have shown themselves to be as susceptible to superstition as those in bygone ages who sought the future in the entrails of animals. And then there are those in the broader community who simply accept any old rope handed down from authority. Give them the Little Red Book and they would have been fodder for Mao…”

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