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Note how the delegations of Guinea and Congo are in inverse proportion to their population.
Judith Sloan explains —- Waste Of Time In Coal Town
“…We have sent 30 delegates (pop 24 million) to COP24. This week, Environment Minister Melissa Price will be leading our team. The US has sent slightly more, 44, (pop 330 million) but seeing that the US has signalled its intention to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, there was not a strong case for sending any more.
The country with the largest official delegation is Guinea, which has sent 406 delegates. Guinea has a population of just under 13 million. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, population 81 million, is second with 237. If you are wondering why these countries have such large delegations, remember the Green Climate Fund that was part and parcel of the Paris Agreement ­finalised in 2015.The notional commitment was that $100 billion would be added to this fund every year The aim of the GCF was to entice developing countries to sign on to Paris. The fund hasn’t got off to a good start: donations have been insufficient and there have been arguments about governance. But developing countries, Africa and Pacific islands in particular, have not yet given up..”