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What Thinking Australians Are Thinking —- Great Letter this first one….



Misapprehension on ABC

Prior to reading the interview with new ABC chairman Justin Milne (27/3), I was under the misapprehension that our national broadcaster was operating in a green-left echo chamber and that its broadcasts were biased. Now he has pointed out my mistake, I share his view that it is actually doing a good job and that it reports the news right down the middle.

I realise that in perceiving bias I was guilty of old-think and probably thought crime, simply because I had not mastered the art of double-think. However, now I understand how to interpret the world correctly, and can see that war is peace, ignorance is strength, and subjectivity is objectivity. It is therefore clear that bias at the ABC is impossible.

J. R. Francis, Lauderdale, Tas

The appointment of Justin Milne as ABC chairman should concern consumers, given his corporate record and the comments he has since made.

Milne was formerly an executive of Telstra, a company notorious for poor service and failure to act on consumer complaints. Now he is chairman of an organisation subjected to complaints that it is no longer our ABC, being instead an activist arm of left-wing ideology.

Milne is not so gormless to deny there are no complaints of political bias against the ABC. Instead, he claims that there is no bias at all, and complainants are mistaken.

Hugh Dalton, Chapel Hill, Qld

Resembling anarchists

It seems apparent there is only really one extreme party represented in the Australian parliament, and sadly it is not subjected to the scrutiny it deserves, especially not by our publicly funded broadcaster.

Ridiculous Greens’ statements that people who support a sensible base-load energy mix will have “blood on their hands” if a cyclone were to result in human fatalities have no place in mainstream political debate.

The last time a cyclone as severe as Cyclone Debbie struck the Whitsunday region was in 1970. At that time fringe dwellers with strange ideas were catastrophising about the threat an impending ice age.

The Greens now resemble the anarchist parties of Western Europe during the Cold War and are seriously damaging Australia’s future in a futile attempt to save the entire planet from “catastrophic climate change” by shutting down all our reliable power sources and all our heavy industry.

Bryan Connor, Cloncurry, Qld