We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto. Yeah sure, that’ll work.
How eggshell walking, totally and pathetically piss weak and politically correct is this?
Put the onus on the victim and who knows probably charge the victim for not wearing the wrist/armband and let the perp walk because he didn’t know…
“…Swedish police have launched a campaign aimed at curbing sexual harassment among young people. “We’re hoping mainly that this will get boys to think twice. A lot of them don’t seem to realize that this is a crime,” national police chief Dan Eliasson told news agency TT. Swedish police to hand out anti-groping armbands
Swedish police were heavily criticized for not releasing details on the total 36 reports of sexual assault and two rape allegations filed after the festivals in 2014 and 2015.
With the festival season about to kick off, police have started the new #tafsainte (Don’t grope) campaign as part of a wider plan to counteract sexual harassment among young people.
Ayesha, 17, didn’t think the campaign would stop the problem but welcomed the fact that the police were taking it seriously.
“I think it’s a big problem, not only at festivals but in the streets as well,” she told The Local.
“Guys just think it’s easier to do it at festivals because there are a lot of people and we won’t notice…”