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Japan Will Make Its Last-Ever VCR This Month

Most of us stopped using video cassette recorders a very, very long time ago. By 2008, DVD had officially replaced VHS as the preferred home media format, and the glory days of the 1980s—when VHS and Betamax battled it out to be the number-one choice for watching and...
What Thinking Australians Are Thinking

What Thinking Australians Are Thinking

Evidence given at the Lindt inquest by a senior police officer has a name suppressed. Having absurdly asserted that the gunman had the same rights as his victims, the public should know this officer’s identity for our future information. Bruce Watson, Mosman, NSW...

Highly Educated Idiots — Quadrant

I actually saw this. Made me want to trash the TV. FF to the 15:30 mark to see and here what an idiot sounds like. “..I have a strong suspicion that some of the most pointless people in this country have PhDs in the Social Sciences. It’s their moral relativism...