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The seething, pulsating dark underbelly of the rich, vibrant and colourful tapestry of the multicultural nirvana is being exposed for what it was always going to become.

Unbridled multiculturalism has always  been problematic for some cultures which simply have no intention of starting anew but instead dont recognise the social contract offered by their new home or recognise the right of other cultures to exist and bring with them with assimilation and acculturation to run is the only way.

Unfortunately for some whose intentions are antithetical or inimical to community harmony and national security, citizenship should be provisional for several years, perhaps even the first generation and the idea that citizenship, once attained should be beyond revocation or is somehow inviolable, is preposterous. A nation state is no different to a club and like any club members can be suispended or disbarred.

Australian citizenship simply means you’re a citizen of Australia on paper. It doesn’t mean you necessarily embody or harbour the Australian sense of values, mores, spirit, traditions or even an Australian sense of humour.

For many in an interconnected, globalised world Australian citizenship is just a citizenship of convenience with the privilege of an Australian passport.

The perpetrators of this “hate graffiti” are a case in point. They may be Australian citizens on paper but they’re definitely not Australian in spirit.