Next time you hear GetUp and the left whining about foreign donations, remember this column. Tell your friends this column and email and FB share..
“…The documents illuminate Soros’ extensive support of groups promoting open borders, climate action, abortion, Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) against Israel and a range of other left wing issues……GetUp thus became Soros’ local Australian franchise, operated as a joint venture for the Greens, Labor and the unions, whose proxies popu…late its board.
Heimans and Madden later co-founded a global platform called Avaaz – facilitated by seed funding channelled by another group which received $850,000 from Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) specifically earmarked for Avaaz.
The pattern of Soros backed activist organisations nurturing others has spread to Australia, with Avaaz giving GetUp a total of $195,618. GetUp also recently received $42,961 from its German equivalent, Campact, and $39,060 from Purpose – a total of over $275,000 from overseas-based organisations in two years – despite GetUp endorsing a ban on foreign donations! The Left’s foreign donors